Our Family lawyers are currently offering a free, initial telephone consultation. You can start the process today by clicking here.
Why would someone need this service?
With the introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 (no-fault divorce), we understand that some people are leaning towards handling their divorce by themselves, without obtaining expert legal advice. The new legislation completely removes the element of fault and introduces a requirement to provide a statement that the marriage has irretrievably broken down to obtain a divorce. While you may be considering handling your divorce by yourself, it is important to know that obtaining a divorce does not deal with the financial settlement upon divorce and arrangements regarding your children.
How does the process work?
It can be complex negotiating your financial agreement without obtaining legal advice as you can end up with an agreement that is not as favourable or end up leaving financial claims outstanding, which may cause problems later as there is no time limit to making a financial claim. In practice, some people conclude their divorce years prior only to end up with their ex-spouse making financial claims against them years later. As such, it is crucial to ensure that you have a binding court order setting out the financial arrangements even if the court order is simply to confirm that neither of you can make a claim against the other, which we would be happy to assist with.
Obtaining legal advice does not mean that your divorce will end up in court. If you and your spouse can agree regarding how finances should be dealt with, we can prepare and submit your consent order to the court, but you will not need to attend court in person.
Why are Grant Saw the best people for the job?
The Family lawyers at Grant Saw always encourages and assists parties to try to reach an agreement without having to attend court, if possible. There are instances where it is easier for parties to reach an agreement especially where parties earn similar amounts and do not have children but in most cases, reaching an agreement without legal advice may be difficult especially where one party feels that their contributions are exceptional and should be taken into account or their needs are such that they require ongoing financial support from their spouse. It is often better to have the help of experienced divorce lawyers when trying to reach a fair agreement.
We are currently offering a free, initial telephone consultation. Feel free to contact us or leave your details here and a member of the team will contact you at a time that suits.
For more information or to discuss a specific family matter, please email family@grantsaw.co.uk or contact the team on 020 8858 6971 today.
Meet the Family Law Services team