Why (or when) would someone need a notary public solicitor?
If you need to sign a legal document or have a document authenticated or certified for abroad. For example:
- Powers of attorney for abroad
- Sales or purchases of land abroad
- Documents for the administration of estates of someone abroad
- Foreign marriages, adoptions
- Children travelling with only one parent or someone not a parent
- Certifying documents for emigration purposes or to practise your job or profession abroad e.g. degree certificates
How does the process work/what are the steps with a notary public solicitor?
You bring your document(s) and sign it/them in the presence of the notary public solicitor who verifies your identity from your passport and your address (from bank statements, utility bills, driving licence etc) and the notary signs, stamps, and seals, so that your document will be accepted abroad.
How long does it take?
The notary public solicitor is available usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and you can see her with an appointment which can usually be made even on the day. The typical appointment is between 20 minutes and half an hour.
You can take your document(s) away with you afterwards, unless the notary public solicitor has to verify something with third parties (e.g. degree certificates with the university concerned) or send your document for legalisation (verification of the notary’s signature and seal by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office by an apostille or by the consulate of the country concerned).
Is it expensive to use a notary public solicitor?
If there aren’t too many documents and it can be dealt with in under half an hour the charge is £150 (or £100 if it is very simple, one or two notary signatures only and can be dealt with in under 20 minutes).
If there are a lot of notary signatures, or verification from others is required or the notary public solicitor has to prepare a document for you or send it for legalisation for you, the notary will tell you how much it will be. This will be based on her estimate of the time it should take. Her hourly rate is £300.
What are the things people should consider before calling a notary public solicitor?
You need to make an appointment so the notary will be available and tell you what to bring, please do not attend our offices without a prior appointment and expect to be seen. Please contact us via email notary@grantsaw.co.uk.
Tell the notary public solicitor if the document is being signed for a company as checks may need to be done in advance of the company.
Don’t sign your document(s) in advance
If there are any mistakes on the document, check what to do with whoever sent it to you, or if there is anything you don’t understand before you come.
If it is an Affidavit, check the lawyer has sent you all the exhibits (these are the documents that the Affidavit refers to in this way: “there is now produced to me and marked”…)
If you need a translation notarised, you need to tell the translator before you get it translated as they, not you, are the ones who need to bring the translation to a notary public solicitor and they may want to use a notary convenient to them. If your document is not in English, check you understand it by asking the person who gave it to you for a translation.
UK births, marriages, and death certificates cannot be copied and the copies certified by a notary public solicitor. You need to get the official copies and use these. You can get extra copies from the General Registry Office online. https://www.gov.uk/order-copy-birth-death-marriage-certificate
Why are Grant Saw the best people for the job with a notary public solicitor?
Joanna Godden is a specially trained lawyer who is a notary public solicitor. Not every solicitor is a notary public. Her signature and seal are on record with the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and many consulates.
She also speaks Spanish and French and can deal with documents in these languages though cannot usually prepare legal documents in these languages.
Your document may also need additional witnesses and our office can provide this.
Notarial services are provided by Joanna Godden. As a Notary, Joanna is independent from Grant Saw Solicitors LLP. Joanna carries her own professional indemnity insurance up to £1m and fidelity insurance up to £1m. She is regulated through the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The work is covered by a separate formal complaints procedure and you will be given details.
Meet the Notary Public team