Why (or when) someone would need this service?
We can review a standard contract provided to our client by a third party. Alternatively we can draft a contract according to a client’s specific requirements.
We can also help to negotiate changes to remove or limit risks set out in a contract.
How does the process work/what are the steps?
We will need a clear idea from the client of what they wish to achieve in the drafting, or what their particular concerns are. We will then tailor our service to meet those requirements.
How long does it take?
The length of time it can take to prepare or review a contract can vary greatly. Wherever possible we will seek to meet the timing requirements although we do need long enough to properly understand what our client wishes to achieve and how the contract may impact upon those objectives.
Is it expensive? How do the costs work?
Once we are clear about the objectives we will work within a fixed or capped budget to the first stage. Which is either to review the contract and provide a report, or to prepare the first draft. Where the amount of work is uncertain we may provide an hourly charging rate thereafter and give the best indication we can of how long the matter may take to bring to completion.
What are the things people should consider before calling?
Clients should seek to identify which risks concern them the most, for example the provisions as to payment of damages if the contract is breached, the fixed term of the contract or the calculation of the price to be paid.
Why are Grant Saw the best people for the job?
We have experience in dealing with many different contracts and will seek to understand your business and particular requirements before providing our report.
Meet the Commercial contracts team