Grant Saw passes Lexcel re-accreditation assessment

We are thrilled to announce that Grant Saw has secured the Law Society’s legal practice mark known as Lexcel, a Quality Standard we have held continuously since 2007.

The Lexcel quality mark demonstrates excellent client care and high standards of business management. To achieve this re-accreditation, a comprehensive assessment process including file reviews and staff interviews was conducted by an experienced assessor.

To gain Lexcel accreditation status, legal practices must demonstrate client care competencies including:

  • Explaining the process for the matter in question, the options available, timescales involved and costs to the client.
  • Detailing the name and direct contact details for the lawyer overseeing the matter.
  • Keeping clients updated on their case via their preferred method of communication.
  • Advising clients on any unforeseen circumstances that may impact their case alongside the associated timeframe and costs.
  • Keeping clients advised when work is completed, detailing any further action that may be required and advising the client if future advice may be required.

Lexcel is the legal quality mark for client care, compliance, and practice management. It sets the standard for:

  • Client care
  • People management
  • Financial management
  • Information management
  • File and case management
  • Structure and strategy
  • Risk management

Ray Crudgington, Managing Partner at Grant Saw, said “I am thrilled that the firm has passed our latest Lexcel assessment. To be reaccredited by Lexcel is testament to the hard work and dedication from our lawyers and support staff over the past year. Retaining the Lexcel accreditation for fifteen years demonstrates the firm’s continued advancements of our practice management standards, and we pride ourselves on providing exceptional client care and best practice in the areas that we operate. The Lexcel accreditation strengthens our position as a leading legal practice in South-East London”.

For more information on Lexcel, please click here.