Confirmed – Notice periods extended once again for “most cases”

In our recent article, we reported that the Government had stated intentions to extend the notice period to be given by landlords to tenants from 3 months to 6 months.

Following a press release on 28 August 2020, landlords must now provide at least 6 months’ notice before commencing possession proceedings “in most cases”.

The changes came in force on 29 August 2020 and concern both section 21 and section 8 notices seeking possession.  Interestingly, rather than just a blanket extension, there are certain circumstances that allow for a shorter notice period to be given, for example, where rent arrears have accumulated over 6 months, only 4 weeks’ notice need be given to the tenant.

As a result of the extension, the validity of a section 21 notice has also been extended from 6 months to 10 months.

It is worth reiterating that notices served on or before 28 August 2020 are not affected by the changes.

The full press release can be found here.

If you would like further advice or information about this or other residential tenancy issues, please contact Angus Young or Adina-Leigh Collins in the Grant Saw Landlord and Tenant team.