What are the benefits of mediation as an alternative to court?

Article written by Atifha Aftab, Solicitor, Family department Family Mediation Week runs from 16-20 January 2023. This is a campaign organised by the Family Mediation Council to raise awareness of family mediation and of the benefits it can bring to separating...

The impact of the festive season on relationships

Article written by Mandeep Clair, Solicitor, Family department It’s a sad fact that the festive period can often bring relationship breakdowns to a head and with a new year having started, where a fresh start is actively sought and encouraged, many couples consider...

Grant Saw re-accredited by Lexcel

We are pleased to announce that Grant Saw has secured the Law Society’s legal practice mark known as Lexcel following a full assessment. Lexcel is a Quality Standard that Grant Saw has held continuously since 2007. Lexcel is the legal quality mark for client care,...

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Employers

Article written by Simran Lalli, Solicitor, Employment department 2023 is underway and despite being just a few days in, we are aware that many New Year’s Resolutions may have already been a mere aspiration rather than a reality. In this article, we look at five...

Is making a Will one of your New Year’s resolutions in 2023?

Article written by Jeremy Brooks, Solicitor, Private Client department It’s 2023 and many people will have New Year’s resolutions in mind. This could involve a determination to get fit, take up a new hobby or focus on a digital detox. We are aware that many...

What are the rules when hiring Christmas temps?

Article written by Noella Gooden, Employment Solicitor (Australian qualified) Christmas is often the busiest time of the year for many businesses, so the extra support from temporary staff (‘Christmas temps’) around this time is often appreciated. As an employer,...